Monday, July 30, 2007

"Whether You Like It Or Not, Learn To Love It, Because Joe Biden Is The Best Thing Going!" Woooooo

Greatest Wrestler of AllTime Ric Flair - Our Next President Sen. Joe Biden-Link
While Obama and Hillary continue to attack each other, Joe Biden gets back to the two issues that has really been destroying and brainwashing our country for the last 6 years ....... the Iraq war and Republican talking points. As I see Fox News become more and more irrelevant everyday with their war and terrorism rhetoric, the more I watch and listen to every Republican Presidential Candidate, the more irrelevant they become as well. Geeze, it's almost like the Republicans aren't even trying anymore. When is the last time a Republican candidate spoke about ending poverty, or fixing healthcare, or figuring out how to end discrimination against minorities in this country? It's very laughable I know. Yesterday Republican Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani stepped up his rhetorical attacks on the Democratic Presidential Candidates saying that the whole Democratic field are a bunch of "losers" with their heads in the sand when it comes to "Islamic Terrorism." This was Joe Biden's response to that statement: "Rudy Giuliani just doesn't get it. Tough talk and cheap shots won't make America any safer or get mine resistant vehicles to our troops any faster. It is absurd for Rudy Giuliani to call Democrats ‘losers' after five years of failed Republican policies in Iraq. "It is outrageous that three years after the 9/11 Commission made its recommendations virtually nothing has been funded by this White House and yet Giuliani continues to make the pathetic case that his party has provided leadership fighting terrorism. As everyone knows, until we end the war in Iraq, we are distracted from the main agenda of combating terrorism in Afghanistan and strengthening our homeland security. Giuliani and the rest of the Republican candidates continue to cling to this Administration's failed policy that a strong central government can be propped up in Iraq. If these are the positions he wants to defend, I invite him to debate me on these important topics."

I'm sorry Rudy but ..... is this the best you can do? Tell me again, what is your plan to fight poverty? Rudy, what are you going to do about racial disparities in this country? Rudy, when you're done writing letters for Scooter Libby, will you ever get around to writing a healthcare plan? In the words of Ric Flair, if you're gonna talk the talk, you got to walk the walk - and Joe Biden is doing just that ...... Wooooooo!

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