Thursday, November 02, 2006

Yes! Finally An Educator Standing Up For What Is Right!

Letter From Superintendent Dr. Jim Ray - For More Information On Dr. Ray, Check out this website
Dear Public Education Supporter:

In the 1960's television series "Dragnet," detective Joe Friday was fond of asking for "just the facts." This letter is a Joe Friday view of the upcoming race for State Superintendent of Education.

Fact One - Jim Rex is the only candidate who has worked a day in our public schools. How could anyone effectively lead an enterprise about which they know nothing?
Fact Two - Jim Rex believes that schools for all children of all people are the only hope for a healthy democracy. His major opponent believes that public tax dollars should be spent for private schooling. This election is for the State Superintendent of public, not private, education.
Fact Three - Jim Rex is not seeking the position of State Superintendent of Education as a stepping stone to higher office. He is willing to shoulder the toughest agency head position in state government simply to serve our children. Our schools deserve a leader who has no other agenda.
Fact Four - Jim Rex believes that the State Superintendent of Education should be chosen in a non-partisan election. Like me, he believes that the education of our children is not a partisan matter.
Fact Five - Research says that each of us can influence 11 other people's views. Please vote for Jim Rex and ask your colleagues, friends and family to do likewise.

When we do not stand up for what is right, we stand for nothing. Stand up for school children by voting for people who care about their future.

Jim Ray
Spartanburg GOP Chairman Rick Beltram's Response:
This needs to be brought of your School board , TODAY! (District 3) I am shocked that ANY superintendent would blatantly get involved in political influence. I would be appalled if any Superintendent used his name like this to support Karen. I know others have had contracts cancelled for similar involvement! Please advise. Thank you.
-Rick Beltram
Spartanburg Democratic Chairwoman Liz Patterson's Response:
Seems that Rick Beltram is continuing the Republican attack on our constitutional rights. Jim Ray has every right to express himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also need to make it clear that Dr. Ray wrote this letter from his PERSONAL letterhead.

It's frightening to think that Beltram thinks people should be censored 24/7 because they are public employees.