Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Go Ahead Keith Olberman ........Maybe Now We'll Get Some More "Common Sense" Thinking Political Talk Show Hosts On Our News Channels

In the first quarter of 2006, MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann beat CNN's Paula Zahn Now in the 25-54 demographic. "This marks MSNBC's first quarterly primetime victory over CNN in the demo in almost five years (2Q01 MSNBC Investigates beat CNN at 8 p.m. ET)," MSNBC's press release said today. Countdown averaged 164,000 total viewers in the quarter, up 41% from Q1 2005. Zahn averaged 158,000 demo viewers (down 33 percent), according to MSNBC. Bill O'Reilly averaged 450,000 in the demo (down 24 percent).Olbermann also beat Headline News star Nancy Grace in the demo. According to program ranker data, Grace averaged 154,000 demo viewers...

Do you know what this means?
Keith Olbermann just made everyone's job easier and more simple. It wont be near as hard now to criticize the Bush administration on TV anymore. The TV Executives will have an easier time making decisions on their programming from now on. Plus, it will be easier now to get the truth to the American People without a doubt.
Remember the blog on Conservative Media from back in January, it was said then that TV execs are crazy not to put counter programming on cable news by putting an opposite alternative to all the hard hard right conservative talk shows on TV. Should I even mention that most of the country can't stand this Republican President now, what is his approval rating at ....34%?
Let's face it, the reason why Fox News became so popular was by opposing a President! Clinton was a way more popular leader than Bush! I can see TV Programmers trying to copy this now.
Olbermann isn't anyone's definition of a flaming liberal. He's just a reasonable voice of opposition to the insanity and incompetence of this administration. He doesn't make a big point about being a Democrat or a liberal (to my knowledge, he doesn't make this point at all, partly because it might not be true). From time to time he takes on the administration and the conservative talk show hosts. And, will you look at that? What do we see now, but much, much better ratings? His ratings have gone up 41% in the last year while O'Reilly's have gone down 24%. And he has just passed Paula Zahn.
Olbermann's ratings are the tip of the iceberg. TV execs are going to start rushing to the lifeboats soon and try to find liberal shows (if you're still uncomfortable with the word "liberal" because you have been brainwashed by the right into believing it is a dirty word, then use some other word to describe the majority of the country that does not support this administration -- but a rose by any other name smells just as sweet when the ratings come in).


Joshua Gross said...

I truly hate to break this to you... but that puts Olbermann at about 10% of O'Reilly's FoxNews audience in the same time frame.

Not Even Close.

____________ said...

O' Reilly def. has more viewers as from what the numbers show, but the point is, we may finally start to see a change here on programming, and trust me.....we desperately need it. Olbermann is rallying from being pretty significantly behind and having practically no lead in, O'Reilly has been around for much longer and Olbermann hasn't really come that close to catching him yet, but obviously he is trending way up and O'Reilly is trending significantly down. That's the kind of language TV programmers can understand

Anonymous said...


O'Reilly is a bit like Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh. Many people that pay attention to this show don't really like him, however they watch the show because they love to get mad at him.

____________ said...

This is true.....sometimes even I watch O'Reilly just so I can get pissed off and wild up.
In the latest polls, not only is Bush's disapproval rating near or above 60% but his "strongly disapprove" number is an astounding 45%. That basically means 45% of the country hates him. Imagine how excited they would be to tune into a program which unabashedly takes on this President.

Anonymous said...

Keith was really cool when he was on ESPN

Joshua Gross said...

Olbermann was one of the funniest SportsCenter guys EVER. I have to admit I wish he was still there, I think he was funnier...

two words: Gianluca Pagliuca.

On O'Reilly -- I rarely if ever watch him...

Anonymous said...


I am glad that you are over at the Club for Growth, but you are wrong on this one. Olbermann has people watching the news, that is a fact. Mindless robots watching a television screen hearing propaganda tapes played to them while there batteries are recharging doesn't count. Bill O'Reilly is a dork and the factor doesn't count as news.

Remember his job before O'Reilly Report was hosting the television tabloid show "A Current Affair..."

Olbermann has ALWAYS been a newsman.

____________ said...

I appreciate and thank you guys for all of the comments. Me and Joshua need to start our own Hannity and Colmes on a local channel here in SC!!!

Anonymous said...

Olberman's show is great. I watch it every chance I get. I used to watch Fox a lot. It was different at first, but after a while I realized it was like "Ground Hog Day"--the same things over and over and over and over and over. None of the media outlets cover even a fourth of what they should, but Fox covers far fewer topics than any of the others: neocons are the saviors of the world; Hillary Clinton is evil; the war in Iraq is being won by us (led by the military geniuses Bush and Rumsfield); everyone should pay for his own health care or just lie down and die, whatever; etc.; etc.; etc. Gag! Not balanced. Not fair. Not smart.