Monday, October 16, 2006

Hooky - Unjustifiable Absence From School, Work, Etc. - Example: On October 19th, Karen Floyd Will Stop Playing Hooky And Debate Jim Rex

3 Stooges-Larry, Curly, and Moe - 3 Slicksters-Mike Green, Jeff Sewell, Karen Floyd

TV Actor - Ed Harris ------ Candidate for SC Superintendent of Education - Jim Rex

The Karen Floyd hooky game will finally come to a screeching hault this Thursday night. If we can all go back to just a couple of weeks ago and remember Politics Rocks questioning the Karen Floyd campaign for backing out of the October 19th forum in Greenville, SC. Her campaign said they had a scheduling conflict on October 19th - her e-mail newsletter titled "Calendar Events" didn't have anything scheduled for that night.

I was reading the Greenville Newspaper yesterday and believe it or not, read that Karen Floyd will be attending the forum this Thursday night at Wade Hampton High School. With ESPN this Thursday night broadcasting what will be a terrible and unexciting game between North Carolina and Virginia, which will give me no reason to stay at home and watch it, I'll probably attend this event and get a recording out of it. No pressure Karen.


Anonymous said...

She will get slaughtered at this event just like she has at all the other forums. If only you had the recording for the event down in Myrtle Beach a couple of months ago!

Anonymous said...

Good looks, an R beside your name, and a lot of money, gives any republican candidate a strong opportunity to win in this state.

Anonymous said...

No reason to show up. It's a forum, not a debate. She'll stand up there for about 10 minutes and recite a piece from Howard Rich and then go out through the back door like Elvis Presley.

Anonymous said...

We will have plenty of time to see what she believes after she wins =)

JCTiger said...

WOW.... if that's not the best "Ignorance is Bliss" statement I've ever heard. We don't know what she believes, so we will find out after she wins..... the scary thing is, people like that actually vote.....

Anonymous said...

They remind me of a couple of people I encountered the day of the 2004 election when I stood at one of the voting precincts in support of my dad. After giving them my 5-7 second spill, I had several people ask me if my dad is a R or a D. How you bring yourself into a voting booth not knowing at least that info is beyond me.

And of course the 3 people who asked me that, after telling them my dad was a democrat, they jumped down my throat and said that they will never vote for a democrat and that my dad is a babykiller and advocate murderer. (#1, thats uncalled for and #2, my dad is pro-life)

Anonymous said...

Your father wrote a letter to get someone out of jailed who latter killed a man.

Read the transcript the kid your father wanted out on parole bashed in the head of someone. Then as he was high on crack he killed someone.

Anonymous said...

I know, not a good decision making. If only my dad wouldn't have seen Karen Floyd, John Hawkins, and the rest of the elected republican officials writing letters for this guy as well before him, he wouldn't have done it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Reese,

K-Floyd didn't show at the 15 person gathering tonight at the high school. So watcha gunna do? Let me guess; post something nasty about her.