Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Will The Directors Of The Laurinline, Devinely Southern, NotVeryBright, and Whoever Is A Fan Of Jim Rex - Please Post This

Here is the link to the YouTube format.


Anonymous said...

What makes you think theese bloggers give a damn what you Michael Looser Reese want them to post on their blogs. I f they wanted to post it they would do so...I'm sure Zeeke has sent them a press release he doesn't(or maybee he does) need you to help him out.

Hmm, I wonder why this add and the previous add you posted arren't yet on TV? Well I guess I really shouldn't wonder because I'm confident we all know the answer: Jim Rex can't raise the money! HAHA One must now ask why can't Rex raise enough money? That answer is also very clear: Because South Carolinians don't support his candidacy like they support Karen Floyd's They know that Karen is the only one on this race who is going to bring REAL reform to our failing public schools.

A democrat has held this possition for far to long and it's time for change. Inez has failed us over and over again and Jim Rex would only continue with this horrible status quo! South Carolinians know this and that is why a recent poll just came out with Great numbers for Karen; get this Reese: Karen Floyd is 17 points ahead of Jim Rex! HA HA HA... try making that up by election day. Rex can't even afford to go up on TV(Karen did today) and if he doesn't hurry up and get some money from someone soon his numbers will fall further. The deficit is enormous and if I were him I would be considering having a "I tried but sucked to much to beat Karen Floyd party" instead of a "Victory Party"!!!

Reese I hope this all makes sense to you because if it doesn't now it will on election day!

JCTiger said...

Fine product of the South Carolina education system, I'm sure. Can anybody count the number of run-on sentences here?

You are another reason I will be voting for Jim Rex.

Anonymous said...

Just remember. The domain website names I bought a few months ago - www.karenfloyd2010.com, www.floyd2010.com, www.karenfloydforgovernor.com, www.floydforgovernor.com will be worth a lot of money very soon. If she buys them from me before Nov. 7th, I may give her a discount.

Anonymous said...

Zeke why would you post ad campigns prior to them going up on the major networks -- that is just not right -- post them after they hit air waves - come on what gives??????

Anonymous said...


I don't waste my time spell checking things that I post onto politics rocks...it's not worth my time to do so.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. As many mispelled words and run on sentences that I have due to always writing and typing in a hurry, you're allowed to make errors on my blog.
By the way, Laurinline posted this on her website! ;)

JCTiger said...

I suppose you don't have enough time to leave your name with your comments either.

Anonymous said...

by the way, i just saw this ad in columbia. despite what's been reported on this blog, it's running.

Anonymous said...

guess the rex rocks event didn't solve the money problem?

well, at least he's not deluging me with weekly panhandling emails. the only thing i get from his campaign is courtesy of the unknown joker who signed me up for the republicans for rex email.

that's ok, i can take a joke, whoever you are.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad TV spot. Not bad at all. I would think it needed to have been on the air for at least a week by now though. So far I've only seen it on this blog and Laurin's - so I guess its safe to say that the 0.00001% of registered SC voters who surf political blogs are now up to speed!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I watch to much T.V. but its been running for several days.


Anonymous said...

glad the Rex campaign has a way to attack the other candidate...hope you are atleast getting paid for it.