VP-- Dick Cheney, and Biff Henderson- Stage Mgr. on David Letterman Show
What's the plan for protecting our troops when a civil war breaks out in Iraq? Does anybody have any confidence that this administration has planned for this contingency? I sures heck dont, and I doubt very much that you do either. I can hear Bush now, "No one could have anticipated a civil war in Iraq." Like all the people who didn't anticipate the levees being breached in New Orleans, or an al-Qaeda attack inside the United States or an Iraqi insurgency in the first place. These guys don't plan for anything except for what issue they can use next to spin against the Democrats. And now that the Iraqi civil war has snuck up on them, even though many of us have been warning them for quite sometime now... they will be caught just like Bill Clinton was, with their pants down yet again. And just like all the other disasters they didn't plan for, they won't get hurt - someone else will, and this time it will be our troops. In a gathering of the top war planners and intelligence officials in South Carolina before the Iraq war started, there was a slide presentation from the Pentagon. It explained the different stages of the war. The last stage was post-war occupation. It had only one slide; it read, "To Be Provided." Do you really believe these guys have prepared for the Iraqi civil war any better? God help our men and women over there, because surely this administration won't.
To the left is U.S. House of Rep (R) Jean Schmidt, to the right is the witch from Wizard of Oz.
Can I start this blog off by saying this woman makes me want to "throw up?" It's people like her that have made the concept of being a republican not acceptable anymore in this day in age. Back in November, Jean "Full of" Schmidt was booed off the floor of the U.S. House after she criticized Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., saying that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do." I tell you what Ms. Jean "Full of" Schmidt, since your so freaking tough, how about you march right on over their to Iraq and put your money where your mouth is. Just take your little broomstick and go over there and take down a few Iraqis for Murtha please will ya. I mean just for one minute can you put the politics aside and try and be a Patriot for our Country? While Jean "Full of" Schmidt sat there and criticized a war hero, new heroes were and are still out in the trenches fighting and dying. Schmidt seems to not realize the magnitude of war. She is more concerned about being a rubber stamp to the alienated administration of Bush. Congressman Schmidt, you barely defeated (D) Paul Hacket back in August 2, 2005 in a very extremely republican based congressional seat, keep up with these crazy crazy crazy remarks and stunts and you will be defeated pretty soon.
Whose hotter.....Ann Coulter or the Dog, and be honest, I know this one might be a toss up?
"She may be smart enough to earn millions from her acidic political barbs, but when it comes to something as simple as voting in her tiny hometown, hard-core conservative pundit Ann Coulter is a tad confused. Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections records show Coulter voted last week in Palm Beach's council election. Problem is: She cast her ballot in a precinct 4 miles north of the precinct where she owns a home — and that could be a big no-no." Palm Beach Post Jose Lambiet - Posted February 15, 2006 03:05 PM
The man on the left is one of America's most lovable TV Characters. The man on the Right is a man named Scott McClellan (Bush's Press Secretary) After watching the news for 3 nights and all the clips, talk shows, etc. in regards to the Dick Cheney shooting, I have come to a conclusion that White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan has the hardest job in America! Think about all the stupid ......... that Bush and Cheney have done over the last 6 years. And this has been the man to come out and answer questions to them all and defend their incompetence. On top of it, think about this....there is possibly a whole heck of a lot left to come out on this administration that Scott will have to answer to as well.
Question for Will Folks, do you agree with me when I say that Scott McClellan has the hardest job in America and on top of that, this next question is optional, do you feel as if you could, will, or would have handled the last few days better than Scott? (Will Folks is a former Press Secretary for our current S.C. governor) Tuesday, February 1st, 2005 Mokhiber: Scott, last night, in an amicus brief filed before the U.S. Supreme Court, the Justice Department came down in favor of displaying the Ten Commandments at courthouses and statehouses around the country. My question is - does the President believe in Commandment Number Six - thou shalt not kill - as it applies to the U.S. invasion of Iraq? Scott McClellan: Go ahead, next question
Cheney's got a gun Cheney's got a gun Run away, run away, run, run away Cheney's got a gun Cheney's got a gun Everybody is on the run Cheney's got a gun Her dog day's just begun Now everybody is on the run Because Cheney's got a gun
"Grow up, Peter Pan! When are you going to jump off the Republican Bandwagon and realize that your party stands for nothing but corruption?"
Obviously the above phraseology resonates with those of you who frequent our friend M. Reese’s little section of the World-Wide Web. Whether it makes your heart sing or your blood boil, you’ve heard his admonition many times. During just one such recent exchange, Michael stunned me by inviting me to be a guest columnist on his ‘blog. Since this is my first post, I’ll start with some common ground. (And, since this is Michael’s ‘blog, I’ll stick to the subject he asked me to address.) For those of you who aren’t familiar with http://www.scgopsenator.blogspot.com/, meet Senator Kevin Bryant. Elected in 2004 from Anderson County, Senator Bryant is at least one member of our backwards state legislature that understands and utilizes computers. The fact that he’s unafraid to use an un-PC term like "shanghai" puts him solidly in my ‘good people’ column. Frankly, I’m a little stumped as to why Michael likes him, since he supports the statewide charter school district, property tax reform, and the taxpayer empowerment amendment (obviously a smart guy). However, I do take issue with the Good Senator’s take on Jessica’s Law. Bryant aims to strengthen the penalties for repeat sex offenses of against children – a worthy goal. But this amendment would allow the death penalty as a punishment for repeat offenders. I’m not entirely comfortable with capital punishment in general, and I certainly don’t think it’s an appropriate response for any crime but murder. I wasn’t raised Baptist so I am a little rusty on my Scripture, but I seem to remember something about ‘an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth’ – I just don’t think this punishment fits the crime. I’m certain Bryant won’t find a lot of opposition to his amendment, since advocating the rights of child molesters doesn’t help with fundraising or re-election efforts. Despite the horrendous nature of the crime, I think we all do ourselves a disservice to rubber stamp this legislation just because punishing perverts sounds like a good idea. Hm… I didn’t mean to get on that soapbox. What I meant to say is that K-Bry is a good guy, and I like him. I think Michael likes him too. And, for the opinion that REALLY counts… Billy Idol thinks he’s excellent.