Tuesday, February 21, 2006

U.S. House of Rep (R) Jean "Full of" Schmidt ....... The Wicked Witch From Ohio

To the left is U.S. House of Rep (R) Jean Schmidt, to the right is the witch from Wizard of Oz.

Can I start this blog off by saying this woman makes me want to "throw up?" It's people like her that have made the concept of being a republican not acceptable anymore in this day in age. Back in November, Jean "Full of" Schmidt was booed off the floor of the U.S. House after she criticized Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., saying that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do."
I tell you what Ms. Jean "Full of" Schmidt, since your so freaking tough, how about you march right on over their to Iraq and put your money where your mouth is. Just take your little broomstick and go over there and take down a few Iraqis for Murtha please will ya. I mean just for one minute can you put the politics aside and try and be a Patriot for our Country?
While Jean "Full of" Schmidt sat there and criticized a war hero, new heroes were and are still out in the trenches fighting and dying. Schmidt seems to not realize the magnitude of war. She is more concerned about being a rubber stamp to the alienated administration of Bush. Congressman Schmidt, you barely defeated (D) Paul Hacket back in August 2, 2005 in a very extremely republican based congressional seat, keep up with these crazy crazy crazy remarks and stunts and you will be defeated pretty soon.

1 comment:

____________ said...

Who looks better, Jean "Full of" Schmidt, or the wickedy witch from the west?