Thursday, June 29, 2006
Contributor Bozo Knows: I Know What I Was Feeling, What Was I Thinking?
The What Was I Thinking Sympathy Award
Hey Hey Hey! I guess this is the beginning of what I like to affectionately refer to as the "What was I thinking" Award. That's not the real title, just a suggestion so if anybody has a suggestion as to what to call the segment officially, please feel free to let me know. Well, with out further adieu, the first recipient is ... (add your own drum roll, you know you're doing it anyway) Mrs. Jenny Sanford! Congratulations Mrs. First Lady and don't forget your bouquet of cotton candy and Blue Ribbon.
It seems that we had a small problem this week when we (ok, just Mrs. Sanford) came out and officially "unofficially" endorsed my favorite circus midget Mike Campbell in his race for Lt. Governor while the incumbent Lt. Governor Andre Bauer was still in the run-off and campaigning his heart out. Now we had all seen the Lt. Governor come back from being down in a race before (see last election cycle) to win . Follow me Mrs. Sanford, that's why they call him the "comeback kid". Now it seems it was about as premature to call Lt. Governor Bauer out as buying tickets to a Gubernatorial Debate, one I'm very certain the Governor may attend... ok I didn't even believe that. Just a piece of advice for the future if you would allow me some lattitude; your name is not Hillary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt nor any first lady entrusted with policy or decision making in any capacity. While I'm certain you are a very sweet, lovely lady, please let your husband screw up the race on his own. He has enough trouble with it on his own, he doesn't need you making prognostications on issues outside your arena. Coming out in support of Mr. Campbell might not have been the smartest move, especially looking back on it now, since he is now out of the race. How do you expect the Governor to work with Andre now?
It was much better when you were seen and not heard. I have one question, is the Sanford '06 crew going to jump on the dre' train now that he's the nominee? I'm sure Andre would like to thank you for your support if you would give it; well on second thought, maybe not. Until the next screw up. Keep it real, I'm watching you ---------- Bozo Knows
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
South Carolina's very own Mickey Mouse Club lost a member last night!
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Real Reason Why Jenny Sanford "Unofficially" Endorsed Mike Campbell
Thing is, lets view this "unofficial" endorsement from another angle. The real question here is this: is there another reason why Sanford did this? YES THERE IS! Their stats/polls are obviously showing that there is a very high percentage that Campbell will win next week, and win in November, with or without Sanford’s help.
The Sanford people are not too enamored with Campbell being Lt. Governor because of his family’s high profile in the past and his father being an ex Governor. In my opinion, Campbell will not allow himself to be run over and he will want to be a big time player in the administration. I think Campbell being Lt. Governor puts extreme pressure on Sanford rather than Andre Bauer being Lt. Gov. Mark Sanford realizes this and made this endorsement to help “himself” out. Bottom line is this: the Sanford’s are trying to position themselves to be able to control Campbell so that he will be a puppet for them under the thumb of Sanford at least for a couple of years. If they would not have done this move, and Campbell wins, Campbell would be considered a free agent. Without a doubt Campbell would end up outshining Sanford because of his name and heritage and would be doing it “without being affiliated with Sanford.”
The Campbell regime are using Mike for his last name. Using him as a magnet to recreate this regime to take control of the State House. As 2009 rolls around, Campbell will step more and more to the forefront towards positioning himself to the 2010 Governors race, and Sanford will slowly fade and be a lame duck governor. In my opinion, these guys are ruthless, tough, and will do anything to win. If you don’t believe that statement, ask Andre Bauer!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Mr. Neil Cavuto, Take this cup into the bathroom and fill it up to the line?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Contributor Jeff Parks: Doctor, This Party Has Flatlined........
The South Carolina Democratic Party is on life support...and that is putting it nicely right now. If this were one of those made-for-TV hospital dramas, the doctors would be leaving the SCDP to die, moving on to the patient in the bed next door. And for the record, this is not something I want. I'm a Democrat, and proud to be one at that. And yes, I am liberal on a lot of issues, and I don't look at that word as naughty either. I'm proud of the accomplishments of my party over the last seventy-five years. Were there rough times? Of course, but all in all, I am still a very proud Donkey (does that sound bad?) Right now though, I am embarrassed. And is not for my party! I am embarrassed for the state of South Carolina and the referndum the voters delivered on Tuesday night. So sadly I come to you to deliver the Last Rites for the South Carolina Democratic least temporarily this Donkey hopes. Let's face some facts here that show that November will be a very disappointing time for the Dems in South Carolina:
· Mark Sanford broke tradition. He came out and openly supported a candidate in a PRIMARY. And that candidate won 51% of the vote in a field that included five candidates. I am not a Karen Floyd fan (or school choice fan either for that matter), but that is impressive. Jim Rex, your resume is impressive, but you had better be worried.
· Andre Bauer and Mark Sanford clashed. Mike Campbell, who has nothing to run on but his Daddy's name (sounds kind of like an important national figure), beat Bauer. Even though there will still be a runoff, Andre is going to be lucky to get 40% of the vote come two weeks from now.
· Tommy Moore won a convincing victory in the Democratic primary. However, the loser in the Republican primary, Oscar Lovelace, still finished with nearly as many raw votes as Moore did. I know, the Republican races were more highlighted and were going to draw more voters. Still though, that would be a bit discouraging to me.
· The State newspaper came out with an article that supposedly says Sanford is weak. I am not buying it. Winthrop Political Scientist Scott Huffmon said, "Democrats will take the opportunity to draw moderates over to their side" when he was presented with how Oscar took over a 1/3 of the vote against Sanford. That is the problem Mr. Huffmon. As 2002 showed me when I clearly thought Alex Sanders was the better candidate for the US Senate over Lindsay Graham, as 2004 showed me when I clearly thought that Inez was better that Jim DeMint, as 2002 showed me when I thought we had a very productive four years under Jim Hodges...there are not that many moderates in South Carolina...just Republicans, and well, more Republicans.
I hope I am wrong. I hope that the Dems are competitive in November, however I fear that we will see a triumverate of Sanford, Campbell, and Floyd come the first Tuesday in November. And then I might be returning...this time to deliver the Last Rites to the state of South Carolina.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Who Is More Qualified? - After You Read This, Place Your Right Index Finger On Your Chin And Look Up
Karen Floyd-----------------------Michael Reese
I wish I was running in the race for SC Superintendent of Education, let's take a look at 2 resume's and decide which candidate has the best qualifications of the two.
Candidate A - Michael Reese
Father was a school teacher for 19 years, mother was a school teacher as well. Brother and sister-in-law are both current school teachers. Attended public school for 12 years, 4 year college degree, currently works at a college.
Candidate B - Karen Floyd
A lawyer and businessperson who served four years on the Spartanburg County Council. Former Prosectuor. Sent his/her kids to private school until a year and a half ago. Attended a 4 year college and law school. Became the first female Chairman of County Council in Spartanburg
Now, while you're trying to decide between Karen Floyd and Michael Reese, Go ahead and take a look at Jim Rex's resume. He will be going up against Karen Floyd this November, so it's not Michael Reese vs. Karen Floyd, its Karen Floyd vs. Jim Rex.
Jim Rex has spent most of his adult life making a difference for the children, families, schools, and communities of South Carolina. As a high school English teacher, football coach, and higher education leader, he has made public education his life's mission. Now, Jim is poised to take his leadership to the Office of State Superintendent of Education on a platform of innovation, competitiveness, and common sense solutions to the challenges our public schools face. Having served as Dean of Education at Winthrop University, as well as Coastal Carolina University, Jim knows what it takes to create a teaching force for South Carolina that is second to none. As the former President of Columbia College, he also knows the importance of preparing South Carolina's students, not just for higher education, but for the real world they face as working adults. As State Superintendent of Education, he will work to make sure that every student in South Carolina receives an education that will prepare them, not just for competition within our own borders, but for competing in a global market place with others from throughout the world.In addition to those posts, Jim is also the former Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations at the University of South Carolina, where he retired in 1999 after serving his final tenure there as Vice President of University Advancement. He is a published author and has served as a top consultant to education advocacy organizations like the National Institute of Education and Governor Dick Riley's South Carolina Educator Improvement Task Force. But his work extends beyond the education realm. Jim has also lent his time and talents to a variety of community organizations, including serving as Chair of Clean Water South Carolina; a member of the Palmetto Conservation Foundation board of directors; and chair of the Palmetto Trail. He is also the former chair of the board of the Nurturing Center, a facility created to help abused children.Along with his list of work and accomplishments, Jim's family and his faith remain the cornerstones of his life. The grandson of a Methodist minister, Jim has worked to instill the traditional values he learned from his upbringing in the four children he shares with his wife, Sue: Adam, Jeff, Nathan, and Siri.
This is when you place your right index finger on your chin, look up and say: (I'll let you fill in the blank space here yourself )
Friday, June 09, 2006
Mark Sanford ........ Pull Over, Please Pull The Car Over! (Reason #1827 to fire Mark Sanford)
Mark Sanford's veto to H. 4965 is reason # 1827 to fire him. This arrogant (whatever adjective you would like to use), this ______ guy is out of control! And I thought I had bad hand writing! What word(s) do YOU think he spelled out in his signature? It almost looks like he spelled the word VETO!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
New Contributor Kat Burglar: I've got an "Inconvenient Truth" for Al Gore
As many of you may know, former VP Al Gore and Presidential candidate in 2000 released a book last month titled "An Inconvenient Truth" which discusses research from scientists that explains the negatives of global warming - duh - like we needed a book from Al Gore saying global warming is a bad thing. I wonder if Al included in his book that global warming has fried his brain cells, because it appears that he is holding out hope (albeit a slim one) that he will be a successful candidate for president in 2008. In an interview this past Sunday on ABC's "This Week" Al indicated that he had "all but ruled out" running for president in 08 but he stopped short of ruling it out entirely. Due to statements like this and Al's re-emergence in the national spotlight at a time when other presidential hopefuls are starting their campaigns, tounges are wagging and speculating that AG will make another go of it.
Can you believe this nonsense? I mean really, are you kidding me? Here's my "inconvenient truth" for you Al Gore - IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. You had your chance and blew it!!!! Al Gore, you let the Democratic party and the country down in 2000. If you had been a better candidate then (let's remember that AG did not even win his home state of Tennessee) and defeated Bush maybe our country would not be in such a mess today. Please, AG, I beg you to take yourself out of the race once and for all. Your time in national politics is over.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Contributor Jeff Parks: Would POTUS Please Start To Focus on Something Worthwhile???
There is still a war in Iraq that takes the lives of several American soldiers every day. As we look at Iran, the situation is about as solid as a chocolate bar left outside on an early June day (we're talking Georgia heat here folks). Suddenly, our country's problems are not limited to just the border to the south, but also with our neighbor to the north (who would have thought??? Terrorists in Canada?). White House staffers are dropping about as quickly as teams in the NBA playoffs. And yet in spite of all of these SIGNIFICANT problems, I open up my newspaper over the weekend to find that our wonderful President is focused on something as equally insignificant...GAY MARRIAGE! Yes people, election time must be near.
If you want to talk about hijacking an issue, this is it! With his approval ratings lower than the batting average of the most average major league baseball players and with the Republican Party feeling the heat being turned up faster than the grill for those summer cook-outs, the Elephants, and in particular the Head Elephant Bush, have resorted to an issue that they find comfort in. Much like the four hundred pound man who drowns his sorrows in a carton of ice cream each night, the Republicans and Baby Bush are attempting to drown their woes in a nice, hearty carton of gay bashing.
To be very honest with you, I could care less what happens to the issue of gay marriage. I feel that is probably the opinion of most of the American people. We don't really worry about what our gay neighbors might be doing (or in this case, not doing). Instead, we worry about ten tons of ammonium nitrate crossing the border. Instead, we worry about car bombings knocking off American soliders. Instead, we wonder about how our country is going to combat illegal immigration. We may be even playing a real life game of Clue in trying to figure "What exactly has happened to all those White House staffers?" My message to the President is to get off your butt, quit worrying about your political numbers, quit worrying about getting a Republican Congress back in place in November (how has that worked out for you by the way?) Quit hijakcing the political process in order to protect your precious legacy. Instead, get to work on the REAL problems of the American people.
And just in case you do want my opinion Mr. President, only one consitutional amendment (the 18th) was ever used to take away rights from the American people, and it was reversed (21st). And by the way, since when did the federal government begin licensing marriages in our country? Yeah Mr. President, get back to the issues (if that is even possible with this Adminstration).
Monday, June 05, 2006
Audio Interview: Politics Rocks talks with (D) Candidate for SC Governor, Senator Tommy Moore
Click Play (>) to listen to the 2-part interview with (D) Candidate for SC Governor, Senator Tommy Moore.
Now it’s crunch time. The primary is only weeks away; weeks during which I will continue to bring my message of change and hope to the people of South Carolina. Please join me. Together we can and will bring prosperity, health and a real chance at a better life to all of our hard-working citizens. - Tommy Moore
Friday, June 02, 2006
Audio Interview: Politics Rocks talks with (R) Candidate for SC Governor Dr. Oscar Lovelace
Many people have asked why I would leave my rural family medical practice to run for governor. After serving as Governor Sanford's Health Care Task Force chairman in 2003, I realized he was missing three critical qualities of leadership: communication, cooperation and common sense.
The latest article by Cindi Ross Scoppe outlines the most poignant recent example of these leadership flaws. With the Republican primary election looming on June 13, 2006, I hope you will agree that South Carolina must move ahead to a brighter future with real world experience and hands-on leadership that listens to others.