The What Was I Thinking Sympathy Award
Hey Hey Hey! I guess this is the beginning of what I like to affectionately refer to as the "What was I thinking" Award. That's not the real title, just a suggestion so if anybody has a suggestion as to what to call the segment officially, please feel free to let me know. Well, with out further adieu, the first recipient is ... (add your own drum roll, you know you're doing it anyway) Mrs. Jenny Sanford! Congratulations Mrs. First Lady and don't forget your bouquet of cotton candy and Blue Ribbon.
It seems that we had a small problem this week when we (ok, just Mrs. Sanford) came out and officially "unofficially" endorsed my favorite circus midget Mike Campbell in his race for Lt. Governor while the incumbent Lt. Governor Andre Bauer was still in the run-off and campaigning his heart out. Now we had all seen the Lt. Governor come back from being down in a race before (see last election cycle) to win . Follow me Mrs. Sanford, that's why they call him the "comeback kid". Now it seems it was about as premature to call Lt. Governor Bauer out as buying tickets to a Gubernatorial Debate, one I'm very certain the Governor may attend... ok I didn't even believe that. Just a piece of advice for the future if you would allow me some lattitude; your name is not Hillary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt nor any first lady entrusted with policy or decision making in any capacity. While I'm certain you are a very sweet, lovely lady, please let your husband screw up the race on his own. He has enough trouble with it on his own, he doesn't need you making prognostications on issues outside your arena. Coming out in support of Mr. Campbell might not have been the smartest move, especially looking back on it now, since he is now out of the race. How do you expect the Governor to work with Andre now?
It was much better when you were seen and not heard. I have one question, is the Sanford '06 crew going to jump on the dre' train now that he's the nominee? I'm sure Andre would like to thank you for your support if you would give it; well on second thought, maybe not. Until the next screw up. Keep it real, I'm watching you ---------- Bozo Knows