Monday, June 26, 2006

The Real Reason Why Jenny Sanford "Unofficially" Endorsed Mike Campbell

Mark Sanford using his wife Jenny to "unofficially endorse" Mike Campbell is nothing new. This is the same move that Mark Sanford used against Sen. Kuhn 2 years ago. He sent his wife Jenny down to support Chip Campsen. It obviously worked that time, for Chip Campsen defeated Sen. Kuhn, and they would not be doing it this time if they were not 100% sure that it would work/help for Mike Campbell. If I'm not mistaken, I think Sen. Kuhn went down to Columbia and had some words with ole Jenny!

Thing is, lets view this "unofficial" endorsement from another angle. The real question here is this: is there another reason why Sanford did this? YES THERE IS! Their stats/polls are obviously showing that there is a very high percentage that Campbell will win next week, and win in November, with or without Sanford’s help.

The Sanford people are not too enamored with Campbell being Lt. Governor because of his family’s high profile in the past and his father being an ex Governor. In my opinion, Campbell will not allow himself to be run over and he will want to be a big time player in the administration. I think Campbell being Lt. Governor puts extreme pressure on Sanford rather than Andre Bauer being Lt. Gov. Mark Sanford realizes this and made this endorsement to help “himself” out. Bottom line is this: the Sanford’s are trying to position themselves to be able to control Campbell so that he will be a puppet for them under the thumb of Sanford at least for a couple of years. If they would not have done this move, and Campbell wins, Campbell would be considered a free agent. Without a doubt Campbell would end up outshining Sanford because of his name and heritage and would be doing it “without being affiliated with Sanford.”
A group of people in Columbia still remain, old Campbell regime that are determined to make Mike Campbell Governor someday, and once he makes it to Lt. Gov, they will slowly regain control of the Statehouse. Sanford wants to keep this Campbell regime at bay.
Campbell regime: Warren Thompkins, Robert McAlister, and Graham Tew. They were all on Carroll Campbell’s staff.

The Campbell regime are using Mike for his last name. Using him as a magnet to recreate this regime to take control of the State House. As 2009 rolls around, Campbell will step more and more to the forefront towards positioning himself to the 2010 Governors race, and Sanford will slowly fade and be a lame duck governor. In my opinion, these guys are ruthless, tough, and will do anything to win. If you don’t believe that statement, ask Andre Bauer!


Anonymous said...

Well, you have unraveled the plot. Mike Campbell is actually an albino monk.

As always Michael, you are doing as much damage to the education levels of South Carolina as Inez Tenenbaum.

Go back to your life-sized Karen Floyd poster.

____________ said...

Albino thats a word you don't hear everyday.

Mr. Furious, your girl Karen and Inez T. were pretty good friends back in the day.
Actually, USC law school was not the only thing that they attended together...... they attended another event that I will post later on this week.....Stay Tuned

Anonymous said...

Careful Mike, you might be getting too close to the truth.

Half the SC Legislature went to USC Law SChool.

Come to think of it, most of the lawyers in South Carolina graduated from USC Law School.

It's all one big plasma screen conspiracy!

____________ said...

Yea, but not all of them attended the ____________ Rally back in 199# , in _______, SC like Inez and Karen did together. It will be posted soon enough.

Anonymous said...

You guys fight like a married couple!

Anonymous said...

Your ignorance is remarkable.

Tompkins and McAlister don't work together anymore for a reason slick.

Stick to your side of the aisle because you don't know jack about the other side.

____________ said...

Just because they have 2 seperate businesses doesn't mean that they are not in the same mofia still hotshot

Anonymous said...

hot shot. I haven't heard a person under 50 say that in a looonnngggg time.

Anonymous said...

This is truly the most absurd post I've seen on an SC blog in a long time. You assert that the Sanfords don't want Mike Campbell to be Lt. Gov. as if you have that on inside information. You don't, because you have no significant connections to the Sanford offices. At least qualify your statements by admitting that what you're posting is a half-ass theory that you made up yourself, not some inside information that you would have loved to have come across.

Anonymous said...

"Sanford wants to keep this Campbell regime at bay.
Campbell regime: Warren Thompkins, Robert McAlister, and Graham Tew. They were all on Carroll Campbell’s staff."

Sanford offered the Chief of Staff job in his office to one of the three men you listed. Keeping them at bay indeed. You truly have no clue what you're talking about, do you?

____________ said...

Dear Inspector Gadgets,
I appreciate the constructive criticisms. My dad is a State Senator and your right, I don't have any inside information or any clues as to what goes on in Columbia or at the Statehouse do I?
Don't worry..... I'll do some more follow ups to this for the months to come if Campbell survives today's run-off.

Anonymous said...

Your dad being a state senator wouldn't give you any inside information to the governor's office even if he were a Republican, unless his last name was Campsen. But way to play the "my daddy is a senator" card.

I noticed that you didn't defend any of the points of your post that were criticized.

____________ said...

Dear Matlock,
I dont have to. You guys screaming like a bunch of little girls at a slumber party have accomplished that for me already.

Anonymous said...

"You guys screaming like a bunch of little girls at a slumber party"

Do you really take this stuff that personally? If you post something with the appearance of being either fact or inside knowledge, you should be prepared to defend its accuracy. I'm honestly curious if you stand by your post as being anything more than pure speculation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous..... atleast leave a fake name so I can distinguish who is who....

Anonymous said...

the most wonderful man in the world!,

It's not a terribly complicated dialogue.

-Anonymous1 (as distinguished from future Anonymous2's, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Been reading your stuff for awhile and I like the First Lady but she really should had stayed out of this. I voted for Andre and after thinking about the Mrs. Sanford statement I was even more sure I made the right decision. Of course my decision was made months ago. Damn you are right it is a conspiracy.