Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Contributor Jeff Parks: Would POTUS Please Start To Focus on Something Worthwhile???

When is the Bush Administration going to release this do you think?
There is still a war in Iraq that takes the lives of several American soldiers every day. As we look at Iran, the situation is about as solid as a chocolate bar left outside on an early June day (we're talking Georgia heat here folks). Suddenly, our country's problems are not limited to just the border to the south, but also with our neighbor to the north (who would have thought??? Terrorists in Canada?). White House staffers are dropping about as quickly as teams in the NBA playoffs. And yet in spite of all of these SIGNIFICANT problems, I open up my newspaper over the weekend to find that our wonderful President is focused on something as equally insignificant...GAY MARRIAGE! Yes people, election time must be near.

If you want to talk about hijacking an issue, this is it! With his approval ratings lower than the batting average of the most average major league baseball players and with the Republican Party feeling the heat being turned up faster than the grill for those summer cook-outs, the Elephants, and in particular the Head Elephant Bush, have resorted to an issue that they find comfort in. Much like the four hundred pound man who drowns his sorrows in a carton of ice cream each night, the Republicans and Baby Bush are attempting to drown their woes in a nice, hearty carton of gay bashing.

To be very honest with you, I could care less what happens to the issue of gay marriage. I feel that is probably the opinion of most of the American people. We don't really worry about what our gay neighbors might be doing (or in this case, not doing). Instead, we worry about ten tons of ammonium nitrate crossing the border. Instead, we worry about car bombings knocking off American soliders. Instead, we wonder about how our country is going to combat illegal immigration. We may be even playing a real life game of Clue in trying to figure "What exactly has happened to all those White House staffers?" My message to the President is to get off your butt, quit worrying about your political numbers, quit worrying about getting a Republican Congress back in place in November (how has that worked out for you by the way?) Quit hijakcing the political process in order to protect your precious legacy. Instead, get to work on the REAL problems of the American people.

And just in case you do want my opinion Mr. President, only one consitutional amendment (the 18th) was ever used to take away rights from the American people, and it was reversed (21st). And by the way, since when did the federal government begin licensing marriages in our country? Yeah Mr. President, get back to the issues (if that is even possible with this Adminstration).


Anonymous said...

I do care...but good point about reversing the amendments...

Anonymous said...

You have to write more often! Great points! I've come to the conclusion, Republians don't have original ideas, they are not pro-active. All they know how to do is take a law and try their best to find something wrong with it!

Anonymous said...

Jeff....Gay Marriage means a whole lot to me. How dare you not care about it and try and say that it's not a priority. You need to get back in the church!

tammy said...

Amen Jeff.

Bush has to toss his ignorant 35% a bone. They're hungry.

Have you ever heard a rationale reason behind their argument? It's nothing more than skewed selfish interpretations of some bible verses...HELLO...not everyone cares what your God says. Religion is another one of your rights that not everyone chooses to partake in...Geez...if your God says don't marry another woman/man...then DON'T. But, you're freaking nuts if you think you can tell me to or not. And you're REALLY freaking nuts if you think you can take my tax dollars and then deny me equality.

I'm rambling...too much coffee...It's just very frustrating when an ignorant minority think they have a right to force their closed minded views on all of us.

This BS amendment won't survive long. Gay rights will be granted in full. It may take time but it will come to fruition. In the 60's the hardcore religious nuts said that black people were inferior to whites and didn't deserve equality...said the same thing about women's role in society when they were fighting for the vote as well...it's just a matter of time.

If the people trying to deny their fellow Americans rights would put down their Bible for a second and pick up a history book...maybe they'd realize that...
:-) t

Anonymous said...

Gay people don't want to get married. George Bush told me that gay people don't get married they just are out for sex and we should keep our children away! (a joke obviously)

Anonymous said...

Why is this issue only talked about around election time! I'm a lesbien and proud of it!! Haha!! Why can't we focus on more important issues. I agree that being homosexual is up to the person,but it's not fair to my son to have to see to guys kissing in the mall and people say it's OK.That leaves the Homosexual window for recruitment wide open.
Jay Farr

tammy said...

4.Gay marriage should be decided by people not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of the minorities.

Hmmm…so the S.C. majority should decide which S.C. minorities get certain rights? Wouldn't blacks still be enslaved or at least at the back of the bus…and women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant(SC has still not ratified the ERA to this date)?

That’s kinda scary…did I misread that? I’m totally off my coffee high now. :-)

As far as this being an “important” issue. I guess if it is YOUR rights being denied…it is important. As a minority I often remind myself that someone stood up and fought for my rights at one point in this nation’s history and that I should pay it forward by standing up for someone else who is being denied equality.

tammy said...

joshua...don't do that me...:-)

you just never know in south carolina. I got the other 5 as sarcasm but hear the#4 as truth way too much in this state. who am i kidding...go read the goupstate.com (Herald Journal) forums...you hear them all...

I read too many blogs and can't tell the difference anymore.

;-) t

Uncle Zoloft said...

Check out dumbamendment.com to get a feel of what your glbt neighbors are going through.