Friday, May 26, 2006

Karen Floyd, forget Mike Green, I want to be your Campaign Manager, I would make a great one, and I'll show you why....

That's right Karen, you tell em' (fist in the air)

The other day I talked with Mike Green, Mike Green IS Karen Floyd's campaign manager, Mike Green IS or as most of us have come to know it as , to discuss with him the possibility of having Karen Floyd come on and do an interview on Politics Rocks. He pretty much just gave me the run around. Mike, you should want your candidate to come on Politics Rocks and get her some good exposure. We told you it would be a 100% positive interview. Since K. Floyd's campaign is obviously being run lazy and not so smart, I figured that I would take his job eventually. Let me explain.
A lot of my sources around the state of South Carolina have been telling me that ....... if Karen Kanes Floyd wins the SC Superintendent of Education election this year, she will run for Governor here in South Carolina in 2010. Basically, just using the position as Spt. of Education as a pedestal to the Governor's Mansion. Well, Karen, if this is all true about you running for Governor in 2010, I want to be your Campaign Manager. I have already begun working hard for you Karen, and I'll show you.
Yesterday, Politics Rocks went to and looked up some possible website domain names that she might use for this Governor's race come 2010. She already owns www.KarenFloyd2006 , which obviously cannot be used after this year. She owns , that could be used again in 2010 possibly but that's not too glamorous. And we all know how you just love to be Glamorous Karen! Well what we have done today, to make sure no political clown gets a hold of some possible domain web addresses first to play games with her campaign, Politics Rocks bought these domain web addresses for Karen:
Karen, I'm working hard, I believe in you I promise! Let's make this happen, and let's make me your Campaign Manager for the 2010 Governor's Race! (that is, if you survive June 13th, 2006 primary and November 7th, 2006 general election)


Anonymous said...

What about www.KarenFloyd4Governor and ?

Anonymous said...

What about and all its related addresses?

____________ said...

Politics Rocks doesn't have a big enough budget to accomodate all of her last names that she has into related web addresses for I would probably have to dip into the thousand dollar range.

Anonymous said...

How many last names does she have? Has she really been married 3 times?

Anonymous said...

Just a quick reminder about the live debate on ETV this Sunday night, May 28th, at 7:00 PM featuring all republican nominees for Superintendent of Education. Should be pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

Grow up

____________ said...

I have faith in you that in the near future you will be able to comment in an intelligent and articulate manner to my blog. I look forward to a mature debate in the future!

Anonymous said...

That woman goes through husbands like toilet paper. What's wrong, where the first two not rich enough?

Uncle Zoloft said...

NO!!! Mike don't offer your talents to the dark side! oh, and have a great Memorial Day Weekend ~ give me a shout if you're ever in the Charleston area.
Keep on bloggin' brother,
Uncle Z

Anonymous said...

You couldn't campaign your way out of one of your dad's Krispy Kreme boxes. Please leave the state.

Uncle Zoloft said...

Y'all ever notice that "Anonymous" posts, that are negative, never have the b@lls to use their name.

Therefore they don't exist. Bye bye Anonymous.

Reese you rock.

tammy said...

"Has she really been married 3 times?" That's what I've heard. Does this means the Republican party will finally ditch that whole "family values" BS they keep throwing in our faces and fess up that their family life sucks just as much as, if not more than, the rest of America? Don't count on it. They're hypocrites. It's okay for them to divorce 3 times but not us. They don't have to live up to their standards...only we do.

And on a totally shallow note...Karen...that hair...not a good look for you. Fire the person that told you it looked good.

Anonymous said...

Tammy, my guess is that the person handling Karen's hair and makeup is the same person that does the hair and makeup for her husband's company.

P.S. Her husband owns funeral homes.

Anonymous said...

There are those in high places who are politicing against you in the up-coming election on Tues. An e-mail was sent out to many teachers yesterday in school district five (not mentioning any names but positions and platforms which are slamming your and others campaign) It needs to be stopped immediately!