Monday, July 31, 2006

Optical illusion of Success

Click on the Picture to enlarge

This is one of several charts Sanford handed out to the press after his cabinet meeting last week. After BLS announced SC has the second highest unemployment rate in the nation, the Sanford economic team went into high spin gear, trying to come up with statistics that refuted what everyone knows: South Carolina’s economy is in trouble.

One of their most touted pieces of evidence was that SC’s personal income grew by more than the national average in the first quarter of 2006. Here’s the chart they passed out on this, and it sure looks impressive! Wow! Our personal income looks like it grew three times more than the rest of the country!

Until you look at the actual numbers. (Look especially at the numbers on the left – notice anything unusual?) The other thing, all members of the Sanford team began saying was that the unemployment numbers must be wrong. Maybe it’s because they’re all using the same new math they used for this chart! (This was said at different times by Gillespie, Taylor and Rainey, and Sanford said he would request that a review be done on them, but not until after the election because otherwise it would be political fodder. They already requested a review a year or two ago; it was done and the conclusion was that the numbers are correct.)

This deceptive chart was actually distributed by our Governor and his economic team. Of course only a couple of days later, The State reported on yet more discouraging numbers (Wages drop in most of S.C.;

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Audio Interview: SC Superintendent of Education Candidate Jim Rex (Karen Floyd ....... Take Notes)

Friday July 28, 2006 at The Beacon Restaurant in Spartanburg, SC

Chairman of the Spartanburg Democratic Party in South Carolina, Liz Patterson interviews SC State Superintendent of Education Candidate Jim Rex

For Audio Only - Liz Patterson Audio Interview With Jim Rex Link

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Audio Interview: South Carolina Superintendent of Education Inez Tenenbaum

Click the Play (>) button below to listen to the 4-part interview with SC Superintendent of Education Inez Tenenbaum
this is an audio post - click to play Part 1 - 4:12
this is an audio post - click to play Part 2 - 4:01
this is an audio post - click to play Part 3 - 2:55
this is an audio post - click to play Part 4 - 2:08

Monday, July 24, 2006

Audio Interview: South Carolina Sen. Jake Knotts

Click the Play (>) button below to listen to the 4-part interview with SC Senator Jake Knotts.
this is an audio post - click to play Part 1 - 3:57
this is an audio post - click to play Part 2 - 4:45
this is an audio post - click to play Part 3 - 4:24
this is an audio post - click to play Part 4 - 4:59
* Part 5 was recorded, but unable to be posted. I do apologize.
"The P in my vocabulary, stands for people! Not politics, not party, and not partisanship. It stands for people and their problems and problem solving. And when we get a Governor in the Governor’s office that says that I’m going to listen to the people and I’m going to be there for the people, then we will have a good Governor in South Carolina!" - Jake Knotts

Friday, July 21, 2006

A Tale of Two Carolinas

South Carolina Senate Democratic Caucus - July 21, 2006
Contact: Phil Bailey, Caucus Pol. Dir. 803.318.2763

COLUMBIA, SC – State Senate Democratic Leader, John C. Land, III (D-Manning) reacted today to the latest unemployment statistics from the United States Department of Labor showing South Carolina’s jobless rate has increased to 6.7%, and remains one of the highest in the nation. Hurricane-ravaged Mississippi was the only other state to have a higher unemployment rate.
Sen. Land issued the following statement in reaction to today’s news:
“Here we go again. Mark Sanford is leading our state down a pathway to poverty. Sanford’s do-nothing administration has produced disastrous results and regular folks are hurting. “It has become clear that the only way to get us out of this job crisis is to privatize Mark Sanford this November and elect Tommy Moore.” - U.S. Department of LaborBureau of Labor Statistics

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Audio Interview: South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin

SC Democratic Party Website -SC Democratic Party Blogsite - Joe Erwin's Website
Click Play (>) to listen to the 3-part interview with SC Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin
this is an audio post - click to play Part 1 5:00
this is an audio post - click to play Part 2 4:37
this is an audio post - click to play Part 3 3:29

2003 --- Clemson University Alumni Fellow

2002 --- Recipient, Ernest F. Hollings Business/Government Partnership Award
2002 --- South Carolina's 25 Fastest-Growing Companies, S.C. Chamber/Elliott, Davis
2001 --- "Greenville's 25 Most Influential," The Greenville News
2000 --- Inductee, Greenville Technical College's Entrepreneur's Forum
1999 --- Inductee, Clemson University's Entrepreneur's Roundtable
1998 --- "Communicator of the Year" Matrix Award, Women in Communications/Greenville
1994 --- Silver Medal for Lifetime Achievement, Advertising Federation of Greenville
1986 --- Profiled in inaugural edition of Who's Who in American Advertising
1985-1994 --- Profiled in inaugural edition of Who's Who in American Advertising Numerous ADDY Awards for Creative Excellence in Advertising

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Ugly Truth: Our South Carolina Governor Is A

You know it, I know it and the SC voters know it. But everyone is afraid to say it. They say it privately, but people are afraid of saying it publicly because they think they'll be branded as a liberal snob. But believe me, in my opinion, you don't have to be an intellectual to see how big of a ______ our Governor is. Just look at every one of his TV commercials. He's seriously trying to buy your vote!

I thought it was ridiculous that people made fun of Mark Sanford when he carried 2 pigs into the Statehouse and messed all over him. What was he going to do? The pigs had to go....... so they went. It could have happened to any one of us. In all seriousness though, Mark Sanford bringing pigs into the Statehouse was ridiculous action #1829 that he has made since becoming Governor. Leaders don't display actions such as these. Mark Sanford is not a leader, he pretends to be one but he's not. The pigs messing on him isn't the reason why Sanford is not a leader though. Sanford is not a leader because of his own mess that he has created and I feel as if his mess will never allow him to have the ability to lead our State. If Mark Sanford gets re-elected and you think all the sudden the Legislature will start agreeing with his Libertarian ideas and political gimmicks, then you are so painfully nieve it hurts.

To some people, Mark Sanford sounds like a leader in his commercials when he says he's going to cut your taxes and cut government. To me he doesn't sound like a leader at all, but rather he sounds like a third grader running for political office. I have seen a lot of politicians campaign on lowering your taxes and etc., but this guy takes it way too far. When it comes down to it, he's basically trying to buy your vote. He is becoming more and more like one of those aging rock bands that hasn't had a hit -- or a fresh idea -- in years but keeps on touring, playing all the same old songs, the political equivalent of Motley Crue. I just hope voters will open up their eyes and see that we have a third grader trying to buy votes who just REFUSES to stop playing "Dr. Feelgood."

Monday, July 17, 2006

What Do You Think? Coastal Carolina Nixes Jim Rex Invitation

I didn't make it to this show in Charlotte this past Saturday Night, did you?

Click here for article - Coastal Carolina Nixes Jim Rex Invitation. If you don't feel like reading the whole article, here is a quick summary of it:

Dr. Jim Rex was originally invited to be the keynote speaker at a meeting of first-year principals being held at Coastal Carolina University next week. The invitation was extended on the basis of Dr. Rex’s ties to Coastal Carolina University and the integral role he played in the development of the “principal induction” program at Winthrop University. Of course, Dr. Rex is also the Democratic nominee to replace Inez Tenenbaum as South Carolina Superintendent of Education. This prompted Coastal Carolina University President Ronald R. Ingle to raise the issue of equal time for Republican nominee Karen Floyd. When organizers were unable to contact the Floyd campaign on Wednesday, they rescinded the invitation to Dr. Rex. New principals from 31 school districts will attend the five-day academy, which was to begin with Rex's speech Sunday. It is the 21st year for the institute, which focuses on topics of school governance, accountability, finance, professional development and ethical administration, according to a news release.
University Vice President and Counsel Edgar Dyer said he did not know whether officials had a backup speaker lined up. "We probably should find one, because there's 50 new South Carolina principals who are going to a banquet this Sunday," he said.

President Ingle sent an invitation to her campaign trying to be fair. The Floyd campaign never responded which caused CCU to disinvite Dr. Rex. Should this be considered "unfair" to Dr. Rex, or "fair"?

Why did the Karen Floyd campaign not respond to President Ingle's invitation?
They felt like they had better things to do?

They honestly didn't get the message?

They were frightened?

They knew they would be too hungover if they went to the Journey Def Leppard concert in Charlotte the night before?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Politics Rocks Update

Even Gary Coleman doesn't know if SC Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson will do an interview or not!
I talked to Jay W. Ragley the other day over the telephone (congratulations Jay on being named SC State Director to The Nat’l Federation of Independent Business ) about and what all I was going to do with it. I told him I wasn't going to do anything but I've actually changed my mind. is now under construction and will be up and running within the next week or week and a half.

Audio Interviews:
I have audio interviews lined up with SC Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin, and SC Superintendent of Education Inez Tenenbaum. And of course ....... I'm going to try my best to get Jake Knotts. Robert Barber and Jim Rex have agreed to interviews, it's just a matter of when we do them. I would like to get Thomas Ravenel on here just like I had Lovelace and Bob Staton. I'm not sure if this guy will do another interview with me again or not, I would really like to have Andre Bauer back on. I have called Katon Dawson twice leaving messages in regards to doing an interview with him and he has not got back to me yet (in his defense he has been out of town for business and pleasure). I figured though, just to be like Fox News says "Fair and Balanced," since I'm having the SC Democratic Chairman on, I would like to have the Republican Chairman on as well. Katon doesn't realize this but for every person who I do an interview with, they receive up to 10 coupons of free Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! Maybe that will get him on? I would also like to of course ask Katon about his list of candidates this fall but ...... I would also like to ask him to explain his comments in this article: "Coastal Carolina rescinds invitation to have candidate speak"

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jim Rex --- A "Real" Educator

"Our schools need a champion. They need an independent, objective, and proven leader. The stakes are too high to turn our public education system over to partisan politicians, who care more about advancing a political agenda than they do about moving our schools forward." - Jim Rex (Jim's Blog)

Jim Rex Website -------------------------Actor Ed Harris (Apollo 13, Radio)
What a relief it is having a candidate stick up for Public Education in this state! What a relief it is to have a candidate in contention for SC Superintendent of Education and ACTUALLY possess teaching experience! Our State has been searching for answers in regards to Education for a while now and the only thing that we keep hearing is not an answer at all, but sounds of out of state dollars flowing into his opponent's campaign from groups who support VOUCHERS!

Thank goodness someone like Jim Rex came to the rescue and entered this race! Not yet, but pretty soon over half of South Carolina will let a big sigh of relief out once they get to know more about Dr. Rex and his plan and accountability......... And yes, he is accountable, one quick example: he proves this by standing firm on not putting public resources into private education. Unlike his opponent, he doesn't dance around like Jackie Chan on the issue of school vouchers. He states here, "I do not support any system of vouchers or tax credits that takes resources away from our public schools in favor of an unfair, unproven, unaccountable, and ultimately unaffordable dual school system in this State. I do not understand why we continue to waste time arguing about an issue that has been rejected repeatedly, including by the Republican legislature, as too expensive and unworkable. We need to move on to new ideas for the future."

Not all, but some of the Republican party members and groups like _______ and ________ will yell, scream, and call you names. They'll say that you don't know the facts, they'll say public schools spend money like drunken sailors, they'll say that your plan will hurt the taxpayers pocket, etc., etc. Their whole purpose is to try to intimidate you into stopping your gameplan. Realize this and keep moving forward. Your Candidacy in this race isn't about appealing to the party's base or about appeasing the left wing. This is about sticking up for SC Public Education and SC Students. This is the one thing we all agree on. So, whatever you do keep going forward. Go forward!

Friday, July 07, 2006

It's Time To Fight Fire With Fire

This dog is pissed and you should be too

We are sitting around 4 months away from Election Day and the hardcore Sanford (insert whatever adjective here you would like) have already kicked it into high gear with the (dare I say UnChristian like) Negative Campaign tactics! - - Paid for by the South Carolina Republican Party. Katon Dawson, Chairman.

Dangit.....we're not playing badminton here! We are playing a political game against some pretty (insert whatever adjective here you would like) political clowns! The end goal is to win and to get our State back on the right track, but if you think we're going to get there by politely asking the Republicans to be nice and step aside, let me have a slice of your pepperoni pizza, you're so naive it hurts!

This is just the beginning of it though. Sad thing is, if the Democrats don't block these punches, I guarantee you the SC Media and Voters will not only buy into these Sanfordite talking points, they will hook, line and sinker into them. The Sanfordites will make their campaign so negative and nasty, it'll make the mess that the Mark Sanford pigs made in the Statehouse look clean! If Democrats in this State don't strike back soon and stand up for themselves, they are pathetically weak and hopeless. It's crazy to have Republicans blast blast blast/negative negative negative campaign against the Democrats, and the Democrats not do ANYTHING about it. I understand its hard for a Democrat to stoop to their level because Democrats don't know how to think that negativley and irrationaly towards people but geeze louise ....... it is time to get back to the drawing board and start fighting fire with fire!

I'm not going to blast Katon Dawson. I'm going to give him the opportunity to come on here and get his opinion on his candidates and the election and ask him to give an explanation about this website. I (cross your fingers), hopefully next week if his schedule permits, will have SC Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin on.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Anyone ever read this book before?

ix - Term Limits Make A Difference
by Robert D. Novak
xii - Acknowledgments

Chapters - 124 Pages
One: Revolutionaries
Two: The Candidate
Three: Dr. No
Four: Cincinnatus Next Door

Appendix: National Taxpayer Union Foundation Study
About Mark Sanford
Aoubt U.S. Term Limits Foundation

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New Floyd Platform: I present to you "The Karen Floyd Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too"

Press Release

Floyd is running for SC Superintendent of Education this November 7th. This is the first time that she has ever pursued State office and first time that she's ever had anything to do with Education besides attending K-12. "Karen is pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really good looking and smart. And she plans on finding out what that is, that's why she's in this race," stated Floyd Campaign Manager M. Green.

With the fundraising numbers up, and a lot of momentum on her side, the Floyd supporters are extremely happy and can't wait to start making a difference . "Well I guess it all started the first time she went through the second grade. She caught her reflection in a spoon while she was eating her cereal, and she remembered thinking wow, I'm ridiculously good looking, and I'm ridiculously smart too, maybe I can use these two things to make a career," said Floyd Campaign Manager M. Green.

Floyd had a solid victory over Wood, Ryan, Staton, and Moffley just 3 weeks ago in the SC Republican Primary receiving 51% of the vote avoiding a run-off. This is what Floyd had to say about it. "I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut, I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that. I care desperately about what I do."

Politics Rocks, a local SC Blog, has really been very critical of the Floyd campaign even going as far to saying to the Floyd camp, "You think that you're too cool for school, but I have a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite... you aren't," stated by Mike Reese. "The Karen Floyd Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too is a new Floyd platform that is sure to put Politics Rocks into Silent Mode," stated Floyd Campaign Manager M. Green.

Karen Floyd vs. Jim Rex for Superintendent of Education, Tuesday, November 7th.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The 3 Most Awful People on Cable TV

Rita Cosby--------------------------Nancy Grace------------------Sean Hannity

Just look at those faces! And just to be "Fair and Balanced" we have one horrible example from each cable network. A couple months ago, I didn't think television could ever go any lower than Nancy Grace. Everything about her was offensive. But, somehow, like looking at a car crash, I just had to watch. Those arched eyebrows, those huffs, those sighs of disgust. Surely she has to be a network creation. A joke. Like Jiminy Glick or something.

But then I became aware of Rita Cosby. I guess I had always been aware of her, but never really bothered to notice before. But after she moved to MSNBC immediately after the best of the cable news shows, Keith Olbermann's Countdown, I can't get to the remote fast enough to shut her off. If I can't find the remote or something, I go into a panic that I'm going to hear that voice before I get it shut off. Unlike Nancy Grace, I've never gotten more than 30 seconds into the show. That's all that is needed.

What can I say about Sean Hannity, except he's just a stooge. Not one ounce of anything going on there except blind Republican propaganda. And you may wonder why no Bill O'Reilly? Yes, he's pretty horrible too. Most pompous TV personality going without a doubt. But there is almost some comedy there, if you listen enough. "That's a great question, Chris. Stay on the line, and we'll get you a free pair of Haeger slacks."

MSNBC Execs Cancel "Rita Cosby: Live & Direct"-- From Last Week
MSNBC personality Rita Cosby yesterday went from the floodwaters of Pennsylvania into the fire of 30 Rock.
After a grueling nine-hour meeting involving Cosby, her agent and top NBC News and MSNBC execs, the third-rated cable news network announced that her weeknight show, "Rita Cosby: Live & Direct," will be canceled in early July.