Friday, July 21, 2006

A Tale of Two Carolinas

South Carolina Senate Democratic Caucus - July 21, 2006
Contact: Phil Bailey, Caucus Pol. Dir. 803.318.2763

COLUMBIA, SC – State Senate Democratic Leader, John C. Land, III (D-Manning) reacted today to the latest unemployment statistics from the United States Department of Labor showing South Carolina’s jobless rate has increased to 6.7%, and remains one of the highest in the nation. Hurricane-ravaged Mississippi was the only other state to have a higher unemployment rate.
Sen. Land issued the following statement in reaction to today’s news:
“Here we go again. Mark Sanford is leading our state down a pathway to poverty. Sanford’s do-nothing administration has produced disastrous results and regular folks are hurting. “It has become clear that the only way to get us out of this job crisis is to privatize Mark Sanford this November and elect Tommy Moore.” - U.S. Department of LaborBureau of Labor Statistics


The Cackalacky Candidate said...


With all your skills at graphic, audio, and video webpage presentation, is a simple link to a data table the best you can do?

Perhaps a simple illustration will do.

A Tale of Two Carolinas - Unemployment rates

(Your choice of formats.)

Uncle Zoloft said...

I'm voting for write-in candidate "Lawyer McKinney."

I've been covering his campaign over at my blog.

____________ said...

You are 100% right. I can do better than just a link, I honestly didn't even think about doing a graph. Thanks for the link

earlcapps said...

If people think that Mark Sanford is the sole, or even primary, person to blame for this situation, they're dumber than I thought.

Just because the data shows correlation, it doesn't mean the two are related.

Anonymous said...

Crime goes up when ice cream sales are up. Is this because ice cream makes people go crazy?

Anonymous said...

Thats crap

The Cackalacky Candidate said...


The data does not show a correlation. It shows a stark contract.

In any organization, the man at the top is held resonsible for meeting the metrics of the organization. Why should it be any different with the Governor? You and others do an excellent job of making excuses for his failure to meet the metrics of the organization.

Governor Marshall Sanford fails as a leader because he fails to execise that most basic quality of leadership: the ability work with people. (Namely, the Republican State Senators and Representatives who control state government.)

The South Carolina General Assembly needs to be turned around and pointed in the direction of the 21st century. Mark Sanford is simply the wrong person to drive a persuasive shift in the mindset of the General Assembly. He is a poor organizational fit. He refuses to work with others and practice the necessary political compromises to get things done. He effectively criticizes his own political party in his campaign ads. He practices ideology for the sake of idealogy in a manner that disregards the very voters who voted him into office.

Mark Sanford has fractured his own state political party. When he and other Republican leaders jumped on the Karen Floyd bandwagon, to the exclusion of other primary contenders, they effectively squelched any sense of ownership by rank and file Republicans, and motivated a slew of Floyd opponents to jump into the race to openly oppose their own Republican party leadership. To throw full support so early on in the primary election cycle to one candidate, prior to the primary filing deadline, was a strategic blunder.

earl capps, you are dead wrong, in the minds of most people. The man at the top does have primary responsiblility for the bottom line of the organization. Any excuse is just an excuse.