Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Ugly Truth: Our South Carolina Governor Is A

You know it, I know it and the SC voters know it. But everyone is afraid to say it. They say it privately, but people are afraid of saying it publicly because they think they'll be branded as a liberal snob. But believe me, in my opinion, you don't have to be an intellectual to see how big of a ______ our Governor is. Just look at every one of his TV commercials. He's seriously trying to buy your vote!

I thought it was ridiculous that people made fun of Mark Sanford when he carried 2 pigs into the Statehouse and messed all over him. What was he going to do? The pigs had to go....... so they went. It could have happened to any one of us. In all seriousness though, Mark Sanford bringing pigs into the Statehouse was ridiculous action #1829 that he has made since becoming Governor. Leaders don't display actions such as these. Mark Sanford is not a leader, he pretends to be one but he's not. The pigs messing on him isn't the reason why Sanford is not a leader though. Sanford is not a leader because of his own mess that he has created and I feel as if his mess will never allow him to have the ability to lead our State. If Mark Sanford gets re-elected and you think all the sudden the Legislature will start agreeing with his Libertarian ideas and political gimmicks, then you are so painfully nieve it hurts.

To some people, Mark Sanford sounds like a leader in his commercials when he says he's going to cut your taxes and cut government. To me he doesn't sound like a leader at all, but rather he sounds like a third grader running for political office. I have seen a lot of politicians campaign on lowering your taxes and etc., but this guy takes it way too far. When it comes down to it, he's basically trying to buy your vote. He is becoming more and more like one of those aging rock bands that hasn't had a hit -- or a fresh idea -- in years but keeps on touring, playing all the same old songs, the political equivalent of Motley Crue. I just hope voters will open up their eyes and see that we have a third grader trying to buy votes who just REFUSES to stop playing "Dr. Feelgood."


Anonymous said...

Sanford isn't like a Motley Crue. Motley Crue produced a lot of hits at some point when they started, Sanford has not produced any yet, hell.....Sanford is not even a one hit wonder!

Anonymous said...

What is up with Sanford trying to get a tax break on his beach house? Makes you wonder if the guy is playing with a full deck or not

Anonymous said...

"What is up with Sanford trying to get a tax break on his beach house? Makes you wonder if the guy is playing with a full deck or not "

Fair play,

What does this even mean? Sanford thinks that the county isn't applying the law correctly, so he appealed the decision. The specific issue is pretty cloudy, which is clear to anyone that knows anything about it.

If he thinks he's being taxed incorrectly, are you saying he should just suck it up and pay it? Because he's governor? Because he's wealthy? Help me out here.

tammy said...

i have no problem with being labeled a liberal snob in S.C. In S.C. i find that much better than the alternative.

;-) t

Anonymous said...

Trying to buy our votes? With our own money? Are you serious?

Michael - how is Sanford a Libertarian?

I know you have been spoonfed that line from the boys over at Donkey Central - so you may need to go back to them.

I anxiously await your response.


Anonymous said...

"A house where guests live in it more days out of the year than the owners live in it should be taxed as rental property. Sanford thinks he is above the law, anonymous you think you are above the law too?"


You may want your statement to be true, but that doesn't make it the law. The law is very unclear about what happens for property tax purposes. Again, my only point is that they're just trying to make sure they don't get taxed more than the law allows for. If the appeal determines it was applied correctly, they've already said they won't take it to court.

How is that being above the law? They (and a whole lot of other people) think that the law isn't being applied properly. Again, why should they just suck it up and take it?

I'm trying to be reasonable about this. I can appreciate your "do you think you're above the law too?" ad hominem attacks, but why don't you just answer the question?

Anonymous said...

If someone who owns a house receives a rental income from it for any part of the year then it is not entitled to the tax break the governor is seeking.

How do I know? I am a real estate attorney. Three doors down from me is a tax attorney. Two doors up from me is a land use planning attorney. I asked them. They said that there might be some wiggle room (and isn't there always) but that in their opinion it was pretty open and shut against the governor.

Four attorneys, five minutes of their time apiece. At 200/hr thats an $80.00 bill for a pretty thorough explanation.

It is a frivulous claim that is costing the taxpayers money because of the appeals process.

Is it any citizens right to protest the tax bill on a property... certainly. Does the governor have that same right... surely. The difference is that when the governor's appeal is obviously frivulous, the court of public opinion renders its own non legal verdict.

Anonymous said...

The county auditor's office is claiming that the county's hands are tied if a property is rented out more than 14 days a year, and that state law prohibits the county from taxing the property at the lower, priamry residence rate.

State law in fact does not do this. It merely requires the county to tax the property as a primary residence if it is rented LESS than 14 days. The auditor is using negative inference to assume that the opposite is true, when in reality it's not so clear. The Sanfords are merely asking the auditor to revisit this decision, and decide if it is possible for the county to tax property that rents for more than 14 days as a primary residence.

If you're a lawyer, then surely you realize that issues like this are rarely as cut and dry as your post would indicate.

Anonymous said...

"If someone who owns a house receives a rental income from it for any part of the year then it is not entitled to the tax break the governor is seeking."

This is completely untrue. You're either not actually a real estate lawyer, or an inept one.

Anonymous said...

Sanford is not a leader? Heck, he stands up against our tax and spend Liberal Republicans in the Legislature. If that is not leadership, I don't know what is.