Monday, July 03, 2006

The 3 Most Awful People on Cable TV

Rita Cosby--------------------------Nancy Grace------------------Sean Hannity

Just look at those faces! And just to be "Fair and Balanced" we have one horrible example from each cable network. A couple months ago, I didn't think television could ever go any lower than Nancy Grace. Everything about her was offensive. But, somehow, like looking at a car crash, I just had to watch. Those arched eyebrows, those huffs, those sighs of disgust. Surely she has to be a network creation. A joke. Like Jiminy Glick or something.

But then I became aware of Rita Cosby. I guess I had always been aware of her, but never really bothered to notice before. But after she moved to MSNBC immediately after the best of the cable news shows, Keith Olbermann's Countdown, I can't get to the remote fast enough to shut her off. If I can't find the remote or something, I go into a panic that I'm going to hear that voice before I get it shut off. Unlike Nancy Grace, I've never gotten more than 30 seconds into the show. That's all that is needed.

What can I say about Sean Hannity, except he's just a stooge. Not one ounce of anything going on there except blind Republican propaganda. And you may wonder why no Bill O'Reilly? Yes, he's pretty horrible too. Most pompous TV personality going without a doubt. But there is almost some comedy there, if you listen enough. "That's a great question, Chris. Stay on the line, and we'll get you a free pair of Haeger slacks."

MSNBC Execs Cancel "Rita Cosby: Live & Direct"-- From Last Week
MSNBC personality Rita Cosby yesterday went from the floodwaters of Pennsylvania into the fire of 30 Rock.
After a grueling nine-hour meeting involving Cosby, her agent and top NBC News and MSNBC execs, the third-rated cable news network announced that her weeknight show, "Rita Cosby: Live & Direct," will be canceled in early July.


Anonymous said...

Of those three, Hannity is the only one who has any talent and brains. Whether you like him or not, disagree with him or not, you have to respect what he can do. Grace and Cosby just plain stink!

____________ said...

Dear Anonymous,
Your right, I can't dispute that. Sean Hannity is the best at misleading and misdirecting!

Anonymous said...

I guess this is petty, but I'm so glad they cancelled Rita Cosby. Am also glad to know that I'm not the only person who cannot STAND the sound of her voice. I don't know if what she said was any good or not, because I could NOT listen to that voice!

Anonymous said...

Rita Cosby's a man - baby!

MSNBC could get the same ratings if they broadcast paint drying. Oh, sorry, they tried that with Maury and Connie.

____________ said...

Mr. Furious,
We found something that we agree on! ha I'm not sure who will be taking up her spot at ... I think it was 10:00pm.
She sounds like a 75 year old smoker .... how in the world she ever got her own show is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, cosby's voice is terrible, she sounds like a middle aged man who smokes a pack a day.

E said...

Rita Cosby is my nemesis.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Grace is terrible I agree.